Thursday 20 October 2011

what i've got from IWB?

what i've got from IWB?
IWB? IWB stand for interactive white board and it ia a interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. IWB can be easily touched by our hand directly towards the board. eg ; scrolling, right mouse click, and so on. However, before we handle it, we must  calibrate it first to get the proper function of SMART BOARD. The smart board has multi-functional properties :
1. can easily scrolling, right click without the uses of mouse.
2. can easily be touched.
3. can easily be writing on the board without any chalk.
4. smart board can be interactive because it have animations.
from my first class, i was very worried about this assignment. i felt that i cant afford to do this by my own. then, my first lab the instructor told me that we have to make our own blog, doing e-portfolio, use the smart board and many more. I've try to use the white board and make use of it. my first presentation is about smart school and it really make me impressed the widen usage of smart board and computer.
I do notice, every school must have computer lab. this era of technology, we have to be techno-savvy and techno-friendly as Technology gives advantages to us especially for teacher for the teaching tools in school.
Am hoping that with the use of technology, it will help us to get more knowledge and skills to this modern area. so, we all hope that, with the usage of smart board can help us to teach in the school :)

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