Saturday 24 December 2011

simulation and modelling :)

During my last week, which is week 14. We have to present our simulation and modelling assignments. In this topic, we have to find one examples of simulation and modelling about the chapter that we want to learn. As my group, we have to find simulation and modelling based on Physics chapter. We have already chose to make Charles's Law as a simulation and Impulse-Momentum as modelling. You can click for better result :
Simulation : Charles's Law
Modelling : Impulse-Momentum
Simulation is the imitation of some real things available, state of affairs or process. The act of simulating something generally entails the representing certain characteristics or behaviour of selected physical or abstract system.
Modelling or we can specified it as Scientific Modelling is the process of generating abstract, conceptual, graphical or mathematical models.
In teaching and learning process, simulation can help teacher to make something invisible visible. In our simultaion which is about Charles's Law, it is hard to do the experiment in the laboratory because, student cannot see the movement of the gas particles inside the cylinder. However, with the simulation that provides, students can easily understand and get some view about the chapter. 
The modelling is about impulse-momentum topic. Impulse and momentum are something which is related. In the modelling, the value of the initial and final of the velocity are adjustable. Then, we can see the pictures of the car after the velocity is changed. We can see what happen to the bumper of the car. In a real life, it is impossible for a teacher to make an experimnet about this experimnet and therefore, modelling is important here.

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